trajoptlib.legacy package

Module contents


alias of pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.OptProblem


alias of pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.SnoptSolver


alias of pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.SnoptConfig


alias of pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.IpoptSolver


alias of pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.IpoptConfig


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptProblem.OptProblem


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.System


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.DaeSystem


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.BaseFun


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.AddX


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.LqrObj


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.LinearPointObj


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.NonLinearObj


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.NonLinearPointObj


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.LinearObj


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.NonLinearPointConstr


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.NonLinearConstr


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.LinearPointConstr


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptBase.LinearConstr


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptProblem.OptProblem


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptCollocationProblem.OptProblem

class trajoptlib.legacy.NonLinearConnectConstr(phase1, phase2, nc, lb=None, ub=None, nG=None, index1=-1, index2=0, addx_index=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for defining point constraint function.

__callg__(x1, x2, F, G, row, col, rec, needg, addx=None)[source]

Call and evaluate the constraint function. x1 and x2 are points in phase 1 and phase 2.

I return them together in G, row, col since it might be derived from sympy so thay are together. But, human derived formulas love the previous one better

find_time_gradient(x1, x2, addx=None)[source]

Find where the gradients are w.r.t time.

class trajoptlib.legacy.LinearConnectConstr(phase1, phase2, a1, a2, lb=None, ub=None, index1=-1, index2=0, adda=None, addx_index=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class for defining linear constraint functions.


For a matrix, find column 0 indice.

class trajoptlib.legacy.TrajOptMultiPhaseCollocProblem(probs, addx=None, process_args={})[source]

Bases: pyoptsolver.pyoptsolvercpp.OptProblem

A class for definition of trajectory optimization problem using collocation constraints with support for phase transition.

The support of multiple phase is implemented by calling functions defined in trajOptCollocProblem since I do not want to reinvent the wheels. I can conveniently add support for other constraints that connects two phases.


Add a linear or nonlinear constraint associated with addx.

Parameters:constr – a point constraint.

Add an objective evaluated at addx to the problem.

Parameters:obj – a point objective object

Add a linear constraint that connects two phases.

Parameters:constr – a connect constraint object.

Add a linear connection constraint to the problem.

Parameters:constr – a LinearConnectConstr object.

Add a nonlinear connect constraint to the problem.

Parameters:constr – a NonLinearConnectConstr object.

Add a constraint to the problem.

Parameters:constr – a general constraint function object.

Add a general nonlinear constraint to the problem.

Parameters:constr – a nonLinearConstr object.

Add a nonlinear objective to the problem.

Parameters:obj – a nonLinearObj object.

Add a objective function to the problem.

Parameters:obj – a general objective function object.
change_connect_time_constr_bound(num, xl, xu)[source]

Change the connect time constraint if other specification are required.

guess_gen_from_phase_sol(phase_sols, addX=[])[source]

Generate an initial guess for the multi-phase problem by concatenating solutions from single phases.

Parameters:phase_sols – list of dict, a list of guess of solutions to each phase
guess_gen_from_phase_traj(X=None, U=None, P=None, t0=None, tf=None, addx=None, tstamp=None, obj=None, addX=None, interp_kind='linear')[source]

Generate a guess from the trajectory in other phases.

The parameters are the same with .. py:classmethod::trajOptCollocation.genGuessFromTraj but a list version.


Use the solution and evaluate on all constraints. Check which are active and analyze why we are not converging.

Parameters:sol – ndarray, the solution we want to analyze

Given a solution, we parse and return readable data structure.

Parameters:sol – ndarray or result object returned by SNOPT.
Return traj:a dict of keys ‘t’, ‘x’, ‘u’, ‘p’, ‘phases’.
  • ‘t’ is a concatenated time grid (might not be equidistant, but piecewise equidistant
  • ‘x’ ndarray, (*, dimx) is the concatenated state vector of all phases
  • ‘u’ ndarray, (*, dimu) is the concatenated control vector of all phases
  • ‘p’ ndarray, (*, dimp) is the concatenated parameter vector of all phases
  • ‘phases’ list of dictionaries composed of keys ‘t’, ‘x’, ‘u’, ‘p’, ‘addx’ where ‘addx’ is additional optimization variables.

Initialize the instances of probFun now we are ready.

Call this function after the objectives and constraints have been set appropriately. It calculate the space required for SNOPT and allocates sparsity structure if necessary.


Generate a random guess to the problem.


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptManifoldCollocationProblem.ManifoldConstr


alias of trajoptlib.trajOptManifoldCollocationProblem.OptProblem


alias of trajoptlib.classBuilder.SystemWrapper


alias of trajoptlib.classBuilder.DaeSystemWrapper


alias of trajoptlib.classBuilder.NonLinearPointConstrWrapper

trajoptlib.legacy.blockIndex(i, j, rows, cols, order='C')[source]

For a matrix block, we return the index of row and columns.

For a matrix we choose a block using the upper left corner positioned at (i, j) and size (row, col). Each element of the block has row and col index, they are returned in two arrays. The order controls we use row or column major order

For example, blockIndex(1, 3, 2, 3, ‘C’) returns (array([1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]), array([3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5]))

i: int
the row of the upper left corner
j: int
the column of the upper left corner
rows: int
number of rows of the block
cols: int
number of columns of the block
order: char
(‘C’/’F’) if we return row or column major
class trajoptlib.legacy.GeometricRobot(dim, dimp=0)[source]

Bases: trajoptlib.trajOptBase.DaeSystem

A class that defines a geometric robot, no dynamics involved

dyn(t, x, u, p, y, G, row, col, rec, needg)[source]

Write dynamics function

class trajoptlib.legacy.GeometricRobotSystem(dim, dimp=0, ode='Euler')[source]

Bases: trajoptlib.trajOptBase.System

A class that implements a geometric robot, second order.

dyn(t, x, u, p=None, h=None)[source]

Dynamics function without gradient information.

It has to be overriden.

  • t – float, time when evaluating system dynamics
  • x – np.ndarray, (nx,) state variable
  • u – np.ndarray, (nu,) control variable
  • p – np.ndarray, (np,) additional optimizing variable
  • h – float, used for discretized system. Integration step size

either dotx or x_k+1 depends on system type

jac_dyn(t, x, u, p, h=None)[source]

Dynamics function with Jacobian return.

It has to be overriden.

Parameters:x, u, p, h (t,) – see dyn
Returns:y: ndarray, either dotx or x_k+1
Returns:J: ndarray/spmatrix, returning Jacobian of this function evaluation
trajoptlib.legacy.parseX(x, N, dimx, dimu, dimp, uset0, usetf, setfinal=True)

Parse the solution into a dict of time, state, control, parameter.

  • x – ndarray, solution found by SNOPT
  • dimx, dimu, dimp (N,) – discretization of the problem
  • usetf (uset0,) – float/array like, specification of initial and final time
  • setfinal – if we set the final element of u/p the same with second last

a dictionary of keys ‘t’, ‘x’, ‘u’, ‘p’

trajoptlib.legacy.showSol(solDict, xsplit=None, usplit=None, psplit=None, show=True)

Plot the parsed solution.

  • solDict – dict, returned from solParse; or a list of such dict. Then they are compared
  • xsplit – if state space is large, this splits it into several images it’s a list of int like (3, 6). None means no split
  • usplit – similar to xsplit, apply for control
  • psplit – similar to xsplit, apply for parameter

Return an inf array.

Parameters:n – int, size of the array to return, None means scalar
Returns y:the scalar inf or array of inf